21 May 24 - 22:13
lawless: YesYesYesYesYes

Katahl: YesYesYes

lawless: YesYesYesYes

Katahl: YesYesYesYes

Katahl: YesYesYesYes

lawless: YesYesYesYes

lawless: Right Katahl; at least it's not doom or funeral.

SLADE666: Laughing

lawless: The queue was short but luckily System/admin is a long long man.Laughing

Katahl: At least it’s not doom

Katahl: The queue was short Embarrassed

lawless: YesYesYes

lawless: Going to be ban trice for a lifetime for this one.Smilegrin

Metalmatze777: LaughingSmilegrin

lawless: SmilegrinLaughing