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Death.FM - Cephalotripsy - Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies
Album Information
Album Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies
Artist Cephalotripsy
Year 2007
Genre Brutal Death Metal
Contributor neckfreak

Request Buy # Track Listing Length Played
No Link 01 Excavation Of Encystation
4:50 75
No Link 02 Intracranial Butchery
3:32 61
No Link 03 Consummating Omophagia
5:45 98
No Link 04 Aesthetic Upholstery Of Molested Dead Flesh
3:36 58
No Link 05 Uterovaginal Insertion Of Extirpated Anomalies
3:30 66
No Link 06 Sanguinary Misogynistic Execration
3:27 54
No Link 07 Metamorphic Congenital Malformation
4:26 124
No Link 08 Embryonic Gastronomy
2:52 51
No Link 09 Incisions Of Unequivocal Suffering
5:20 76
No Link 10 Aesthetic Upholstery Of Molested Dead Flesh (Demo Track)
3:30 51
No Link 11 Embryonic Gastronomy (Demo Track)
2:45 38
No Link 12 Sanguinary Misogynistic Execration (Demo Track)
3:20 41
No Link 13 Inoculated Prosthesis (Promo Track)
3:20 39
No Link 14 Postpartum Consumption (Promo Track)
4:29 46

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Reviewers Rating

3 reviews done for this album.

Excellent brutal slammind death masterpiece
By: neckfreak
Date: 19 Oct 2011
This album contains every element, that i would expect from such a great band. Guttural vocals, catchy tunes that instantly make you wish to be in a mosh pit, good song intros, intense non-stop violence coming through the speakers, great riffs.

I am hooked on this album for a few months now and i can hardly wait for the new album, which is in the making now.

This is a must for the fans of brutal death metal. Similar bands are: Abominable putridity, Infernal revulsion, Vulvectomy, Condemned, Devourment.

5 of 12 found this review helpful

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By: Azdragar
Date: 19 Jul 2012
This album is a complete shit, pure garbage at it's best. Nothong to do with brutal death metal, just a crappy noise made by retarded ppl.

9 of 19 found this review helpful

An example of the state of extreme metal
By: iskralia
Date: 2 Oct 2012
I dont like writing negative reviews, but this, this is an anti-support review. This album is one of the things wrong with metal today. Bands like Cephalotripsy trade any semblance of good music and just pound away at the same 1 1/2 step downtuned chords, combined with the equally unimpressive bree-breeing vocals and horrible sounding triggered snare drums. The worst part is that this sounds exactly the same as the previous slam/brutal death album. There's no originality or soul in this music.

Honestly, I could not sit through this album the first time through. Repeated listens helped me come to the conclusion that this is a bad record. The main thing that is wrong with this and most brutal death metal out there is the guitar sound. When you downtune your guitar so much, add so much overdrive and distortion, and just bash away on it, you dont get a great riff, you get static. And that's what the guitar sounds like throughout this album, static. Brutal death static. The type of stuff that metal's detractors always harp about. This seriously takes no talent to do. Combine this with some of the worst sounding drums I've heard in my life, and you've got this. Then you still have the heavily pitchshifted vocals that you cant understand, hardly audible bass lines, and drum patterns that seriously make you question whether these guys have any ear for good music. What's going on? And the cover is just like any other BDM cover to boot. I can't find a single riff or breakdown or passage in this whole album that is worth listening to. Its all the same. There's no personality in the music. The sterile-sounding production brings out the lack of soul or substance in each song. To me, it sounds like the producer and the engineers just let the sessions ride, not bothering to do much but maybe move a level or two. Maybe they realized they were working with musicians who don't understand that 5 riffs being played on top of a down-tempo double bass pattern doesn't make a good song. It's very disappointing to see that an album like this exists. It gives fuel to the idea that metal fans are mindless, screaming idiots that bash on their instruments for hours and call it music.

Just stay away from this album. I would say to stay away from this style of metal, but there are bands that put their talents to good use and actually make this style of music sound great. But, Cephalotripsy does not, and I don't recommend wasting your time and money on an album as bad as this.

12 of 18 found this review helpful

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