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DFM a victim of it's own success?
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Liberia cjjeepercreeper


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:00 pm   Post subject: DFM a victim of it's own success? Reply with quote

That's right, IMO it is. Constant 3 1/2 hour Qs, a bazillion and one requests Jeric has to filter through, etc.. I know from past posts and conversations that Jeric doesn't want another station, but what else can he do? I've been around here longer than most that have stuck around, 5 years, and this station and its atmosphere have changed dramatically. I'm not griping, I'm looking for suggestions to present to Jeric before this station sinks under it's own weight. If it were me I would split the doom, goth and depressive black into another station, leave the death, gore, grind and that ilk on this station.

All I know is it is getting rather pointless to make a request with 3 1/2 hour Qs, even with an RIP membership.
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Germany fog

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:07 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Dividing the station into two independent ones wouldn't be a good solution, imo. Sure, having a DFM-like only doom-etc.-radio (BM for myself) could be nice in regard to the music but i think the idea of having all extreme metal genres concentrated here is a trademark of DFM and still should be. Ok, that constant long Q these days is annoying me, too. But that length will pass because experience shows that most newest (and Q-active) members leave soon and almost everything turns into normality. If not, maybe we have to think about changing the request restrictions (keyword: genre-based?!).
Columbia Azdragar

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:41 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

The fact is DFM is now much bigger and populated than before. As I pointed out in other blocked thread about long queue, the problem isn't long songs cause the same thing happens with a 3 1/2 hours queue lenght with an average of 40 to 50 songs between 4 to 7 minutes, 8 maximum.
This phenom is simmilar to the populations growing. Someting like when a city has to reinvent itself cause the movility has crashed, the roads are full of cars, the streets are too small for many ppl, etc.
Imo, the solution could be to split the queues not the station.
I think DFM has enough music, bands, albums, genres and users to give them what they are looking for here.
You would log on DFM as currently do, but you'll have the option to request in only one queue but the forums, playlist and the sttuf in general would be the same for all.

Resume: 2 different queues in the same station but the same forums and music files for all.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:44 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

And what would be the licensing model for that? Is it now clearer why I disagreed with uncontrolled promotion on underground channels?

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Germany fog

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:03 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Jvan wrote:

2 different queues in the same station but the same forums and music files for all.


But how to handle the chat then for example? Often the conversations are about the current music. Two chats wouldn't be social, imo.
Columbia Azdragar

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:03 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

fog wrote:

But how to handle the chat then for example? Often the conversations are about the current music. Two chats wouldn't be social, imo.

Nowadays Chat is stupid and boring imo.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:37 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Jvan wrote:

Nowadays Chat is stupid and boring imo.

Ok, most of tthe time at least . It's your decision if you use chat or if you do not. Nevertheless it's an existential part of the station.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:35 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

where are the good old days when I requested over 30 songs in a row? Smile
seriously, the ultra-long Q's make me not re-sign for RIP.. I see no way out of this, if we like it we stick around, if not - we don't.. I listen when I like the Q, otherwise I don't bother..
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Canada Dark


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:02 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

So far the oldest people here are me and Zaggy... i was here when there was like 500 members, there is now over 10k. The station is gonna just flow like it always has. I just think jeric should treat this station like SST it has way more members and requests. Im sure Jeric isnt a moron and knows how to deal with this. You do what you gotta do...
USA slayer85
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:30 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

There isnt that much DBM and Doom being played. Only certain days of the week I have noticed...
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:03 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

Just because the membership is rising now, we shouldn't assume that will always be the case. Extreme metal seems to be popular at the moment, but things change.

If Jeric wants to reduce the size of the membership all he needs to do is drop everything from the playlist except BDM. 75% of members would disappear overnight.

Maybe this isn't such a bad idea. Already most of the playlist is hardly ever requested.
USA slayer85
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:21 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

I like the site the way it is.. I can use a little less trolling at times from a select few members on here. But overall its enjoyable.
USA Death_Medic RIP (subscribed member)
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:56 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

misanthrone wrote:
where are the good old days when I requested over 30 songs in a row? Smile
seriously, the ultra-long Q's make me not re-sign for RIP.. I see no way out of this, if we like it we stick around, if not - we don't.. I listen when I like the Q, otherwise I don't bother..

Yes!!! Remember the days of Bloodbath queues (every Bloodbath song in the queue) and all the other crazy ass shit!!
We are expanding and it's a good thing, We are running about the same as SST. The thing with 3.5 hour queues is so you'll be here for your request, face it the majority of you wouldn't be here in 3.5 hours to hear your song, even if you were I'm sure you have 2-3 in the queue.
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Canada Dark


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:18 am   Post subject: Reply with quote

slayer85 wrote:
I like the site the way it is.. I can use a little less pussy at times from women in general. But overall its enjoyable.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:03 pm   Post subject: Reply with quote

Dark wrote:
slayer85 wrote:
I like the site the way it is.. I can use a little less pussy at times from women in general. But overall its enjoyable.


He meant to say that I'm a pussy because I didn't put him in the freezer.

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