20 May 24 - 14:28
SeclusionSolution: 20 May 24 - 14:23:25 > prerushit: Ed...sorry, I'm going to watch Orioles hockey, much more important

Bad_Taste: I mean no today bro, hahaha

prerushit: Ed...sorry, I'm going to watch hockey

Bad_Taste: I have questions bro, let me send you a few PM the next days, please

Bad_Taste: you just need***

prerushit: SmilegrinSmilegrinSmilegrinSmilegrin

Bad_Taste: you just can search among 6-7 latins, the uglier will be me Big grin

prerushit: great, I'll find you

Bad_Taste: I will be there too this year, it will be great to say hello bro Beer

prerushit: hello Ed..yes, I will go to OEF

Bad_Taste: Josef, will you attend the OEF 25 years in July?

Bad_Taste: welcome Josef Beer

prerushit: hello DFM friendsm/BeerHotcup

Bad_Taste: YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes^

Bad_Taste: YesYesYesYes^