27 Jul 24 - 10:29
SeclusionSolution: bbl

SeclusionSolution: hey lawl

lawless: Peffy, secloo. Hotcup

PeggyGravol: Hey lawl 

lawless: VIP = very important potato. Laughing

lawless: https://gifer.com/en/Buc

PeggyGravol: People in general get offended often by that which they don't understand. Religions are stupid just like most humans.

Metalmatze777: YesYesYesYesCoolHotcup

Metalmatze777: Yes, that rumor about GOJIRA made me watch that, but I was way dissappointed about their appearance, as the band was pretty much in the background, at least their music. I quit watching soon after that.

Metalmatze777: YesYesYesYesCoolHotcup

SeclusionSolution: Gojira also had an intermezzo

SeclusionSolution: not just christians

SeclusionSolution: pretty sure hits many religiously, conservatives straight in the face

PeggyGravol: Of course people are gonna whine and bitch. Drag is an art form that isn't appreciated by all. Laughing

PeggyGravol: Laughing jeeeezus